Recently, Carolyn Austin got in touch with Hot Cares to share her story about a group of individuals who want to give back and make a small difference in the world we live in. These volunteers work with and behind organizations like CLAW and Harties Feral Cat Rescue, by assisting with sterilisation of adult cats and kittens as well as taming, fostering, and homing kittens that are rescued.
They have also been able to set up and manage feeding stations at a few established feral colonies in local areas. And their goal is to establish healthy stable feral colonies.
The team recently stumbled into a squatter camp located in Sandton when they were looking for a lost teenage cat and found a number of families living in desperate circumstances with no ablution facilities and nowhere to dispose of their general waste. Unfortunately, this has attracted rats to the area, which in turn attracts abandoned and lost cats struggling to survive. Most of these cats are injured, ill and unsterilised – the feral cat population is out of control. With the squatter camp being located on the busy street of Main Road, kittens and lactating feral moms are also being run over.
The team are welcomed by the residents, as they wish for assistance and for the feral cats to be sterilized. The volunteers have generously assisted the residents with food parcels and cat food We gave them some food and provided cat food for their pets.
The goal is to help this community establish a healthy colony of cats and together with the residents, the team hopes to achieve this.
The volunteers need assistance with the following. If you are able to support them, please contact Hot Cares at
Find good homes for the 30 kittens they have rescued:
- Adopters willing to give these babies their forever homes
Find Fosters to take in any additional litters they will rescue:
- Foster homes willing to take in kittens or litters (with cat moms).
Continue feeding the feral colony:
- Volunteers to help with feeding the Main Rd feral colony on a regular basis
Cat food donations – feeding a large colony requires a lot of food.
Sterilise all adult cats in the colony – continue with a TNR programme:
- Financial donations to assist with vet bills – sterilisations, vaccinations, deworming and any medication required for sick or injured cats/kittens.
Assistance from experienced trappers
In addition, the team would also like to address health risks. The needs are:
- To remove rubbish and have a means for the residents to dispose of their waste:
- Sponsored skips to be placed near the squatter camp for the residents to dump their rubbish in and regularly be removed and replaced with empty skips.
- Incentivise a group to collect and remove the current rubbish dumps on the property.
Ablution facilities for the residents to use:
- Sponsored Porto Loos that are emptied/replaced on a regular basis.