Hot Cares received an email from Gabrielle Ozynski at People magazine. After publishing an article on Jerry from the Selwane of the Soweto Animal Rescue and Advisory Centre (SARAC), Gabrielle realized the great work the Rangers do and how much Jerry relies on them. These rangers are a group of special volunteers who range in age from 6 to 21 who give Jerry and his team tip-offs about animal abuse and dogfighting or whenever they spot an animal in trouble or get wind of a dogfighting syndicate, they send Jerry a ‘Please Call Me’ SMS. Jerry will call them back and get all the necessary information from them to attend to the case. Rangers have been instrumental in leading SARAC to dogfighting syndicates and in providing information about animal abusers.
Gabrielle asked us if we could help SARAC with the Rangers Christmas party on the 2nd December to thank them for their contribution to animal welfare within their community.
Hot Cares spoke to Tersia from SEESA who had previously shown interest in getting involved in community needs. SEESA was extremely generous and offered to cover the costs of the party for 72 Rangers and together with Hot Cares donated a ‘Buddy Bucket’ to each Ranger to take home for the holidays ensuring that the Rangers receive proper nutrition throughout the holidays. Hot Cares, not wanting to forget about the animals over this Christmas season arranged for a delivery of dog food to the value of R5 000.
HOT CARES – Making a meaningful difference in the lives of those around us.