Supporting Ahmed’s bright future with the gift of education

At Hot Cares, we believe in the power of education and the incredible impact it can have on a child’s future. We were recently moved by the story of Ahmed Chinsamy, a remarkable 10-year-old boy who, despite the immense challenges he’s faced, has shown unwavering resilience and determination in his academic journey. 

Ahmed’s life has been marked by hardship since the age of two, when he was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer. His parents were faced with the heart-wrenching decision to remove one of his eyes to prevent the spread of cancer. After enduring numerous chemotherapy sessions, doctors later informed the family that the treatments were failing, and Ahmed would ultimately lose his sight in both eyes to save his life. 

Despite these overwhelming obstacles, Ahmed’s passion for learning has never wavered.

He attends the Open Air School in Durban, where he has adapted to his new way of learning. However, his journey requires the use of specialized braille technology to fully engage in his studies. Unfortunately, his school cannot provide these devices due to financial constraints, and Ahmed’s parents cannot afford the R153,000 needed for this life-changing equipment.  

Hot Cares is honored to step in and provide Ahmed with the Braille Note Touch, Braille Safari, and all the necessary accessories. This technology will allow him to continue excelling in his studies and help prepare him for a successful future. By supporting Ahmed’s education, we’re investing in his potential, opening doors to a world of opportunities. 

As an extra Christmas treat, we’re also gifting Ahmed a Bluetooth speaker so he can enjoy the audio books he loves so much. We hope this brings joy to Ahmed and his family as they look forward to the year ahead!