Supporting a community hero in need

At Hot Cares, we believe in lifting up those who have tirelessly given of themselves to others. Len Weldhagen, a well-known figure in his Benoni community, has spent years selflessly maintaining the area’s parks, verges, and pavements—all while facing his own personal challenges as an amputee. Even with the loss of one leg, Len continued his work with a smile, tending to his community from the seat of his beloved blue tractor, asking for nothing in return. 

Recently, Len’s world was turned upside down when he lost his second leg to amputation. This has left him unable to continue the work he loves, and the sense of purpose that kept him going has dimmed. Unable to afford a prosthetic limb after exhausting his medical funds, Len’s emotional and mental well-being have also taken a hit, leaving him feeling hopeless and a burden on his family and community.

Hot Cares was moved by Len’s story, shared with us by his friend and fellow CPF member, Sean Turck.

It became clear that Len’s generosity had made an enormous impact on his community, and now was the time for that community, and all of us, to give back.  

Hot Cares is honored to step in and assist Len by funding the prosthetic limb he needs to regain his mobility, independence, and sense of purpose. Not only will this enable Len to return to work, but it will also see him back on his blue tractor, helping the community that adores him.  

To further support Len during this difficult time, Hot Cares will cover the shortfall in his salary for the next three months and provide his family with a R5,000 grocery voucher and a R5,000 shopping voucher to enjoy a joyful Christmas together. 

We’re proud to help a community hero like Len return to doing what he loves, and to ensure he feels the same care and support that he has shown others.