Hot Cares Christmas – Selfless Aunt Given Some Breathing Space and a Bit of a Spoil

Selfless people are everywhere, but they don’t often receive the credit they are due.

Claudia is such a person and her story reached us via her friend, Gail.

“Claudia never wanted children, as she always said the world was too cruel for kids,” said Gail.

But that hasn’t stopped Claudia from stepping up to the plate as a responsible aunt and guardian angel to young Hailey, who is just two-years-old.


Unfortunately, Hailey’s mother – Claudia’s younger sister, has struggled with drugs for some time now, to the extent that she is not able to look after her child, and it’s also meant that Hailey hasn’t received the start in life she should have, with her mother also using drugs whilst pregnant.

Hailey’s father has had his own problems with drugs, but he has managed to get himself clean, whilst struggling to find work, which hasn’t been easy, as a recovering addict.

All of this adds up to a rather desperate situation for Hailey and that’s where Claudia has stepped in.

“Claudia had an instant bond with Hailey when she was born,” said Gail. “So, when the welfare asked her if she could take care of her, she immediately accepted.”

So, this really is a selfless and caring aunt, particularly due to the fact that Claudia has limited financial resources and is more accustomed to just looking after herself and her dogs.

“But, she has made it work, because now comes this little two-year-old who needs so much attention, because her world has been turned upside down.” said Gail.

Hailey needs to be in a creche, but the cost is R3000 a month and this is something that Claudia has obviously not budgeted for. On top of that, she has upper respiratory problems due to an unhealthy pregnancy, never mind the other needs of a two-year-old, such as nappies, healthy food, vaccinations etc.

When Hailey was brought to Claudia in February, she hardly had any clothes and it’s the same for Jonathan.

“So, Claudia works extra hours on Saturdays to try to make ends meet and she always makes sure her dogs and Hailey are sorted,” said Gail. “They really are her babies and she puts Hailey’s needs first. But, my heart goes out to her. Claudia hasn’t bought herself clothes in forever and her shoes are really in a poor state.”

Claudia’s story really touched everyone here at Hot Cares and we wanted desperately to help her out, to provide a loving, safe home for little Hailey, particularly as she’s gone out of her way to change someone else’s life.

We wanted to do the same for her this Christmas, so Hot Cares is going to cover a year’s creche fees for Hailey (R3000 x 12 months), will be giving Claudia a Pick n Pay voucher (R5000) for clothing, shoes and food – including a Christmas feast – and will be gifting her a Sorbet voucher to go and spoil herself a little. On top of that, we’ll be giving her a Dis-Chem account with R2000 a month for a year, so taking care of Hailey’s medical aids is not a burden on her.

We hope that makes this Christmas a little more enjoyable for Claudia, Hailey and Jonathan.