Hot Cares Christmas – Struggling Youngster Gets Gift of Vital Dialysis Treatment This Festive Season

There really is nothing quite like a mother’s love and here at Hot Cares we get reminders of this on an almost daily basis.

Mothers who would do absolutely anything and everything for their children.

But, with that, we also see incredible pain with some of the stories we receive, particularly when see a mother who seemingly can’t help their child, or one who is desperate for any sort of lifeline.

Corné is such a mother and when Parky and Dyl of The Big Joburg Drive on HOT 102.7FM spoke with her on the phone, all of these elements were front and centre.

Corné’s story – and that of her daughter Carla – reached us as part of the Hot Cares Christmas and our hearts go out to them.

It came from a member of Carla’s medical team, who told us that she had been diagnosed with End Stage Renal Failure.

“My wish is to get financial assistance for Carla for her to see the new year,” said the email.

22-year-old Carla is a diabetic and has high blood pressure. As a result of the diabetes, she has developed kidney failure, with her kidney function sitting at around 7% at the moment!

“Carla’s situation is not unique in South Africa and unfortunately a lot of people like her die because they can’t access the medical care they need,” said the medical team member. “The state hospitals will only go the dialysis route if a patient is eligible for a transplant. A dialysis session costs R2000 and a patient typically needs three sessions a week. Because of Carla’s longstanding diabetes, she doesn’t qualify to access dialysis via the state.”

Corné did apply for a hospital plan for Carla, but there is a waiting period because of her pre-existing condition. The plan only kicks in in April, which means she’ll only be able to start dialysis then.

This puts Carla in a very risky situation, as she could deteriorate any time and would then have to get a permanent catheter put in to receive dialysis. She has, apparently, seen a nephrologist who has prescribed medication to lower Carla’s blood pressure, get rid of the fluid build-up, and increase her hemoglobin. These meds are pretty expensive, in the region of R4500 a month.

“Corné’s financial position is dire and she is totally stressed out, because she cannot afford treatment for her child,” said the email. “I would really appreciate it if you would consider Carla’s case for financial assistance until her hospital plan kicks in.”

Corné has apparently borrowed money from family members, just so Carla can get some dialysis treatment, but it’s not enough. What she, ideally, needs is dialysis three times a week.

According to Parky and Dyl, they could hear the desperation and pain in Corné’s voice and that’s just one of the reasons why Hot Cares wants to help Carla and Corné this Christmas.

We’re going to be covering the dialysis for the next few months until April when the medical aid is due to kick in. That will ensure that Carla gets those three sessions a week for a total of 16 weeks!

Approximate value – R100 000!

Merry Christmas, Corné and Carla! We hope this makes this season a bit more festive for you. Stay strong and keep fighting!