HOT Cares Chips in to Help Young Massage Therapist Study for His Dream Job

Everyone needs a proud aunty!

Fortunately, for 18-year-old Altaaf Khan, he has one, in the form of Sarah Haet, who recently contacted Hot Cares with his story.

Altaff is the eldest of four children and completed high school last year, during which time he decided that he wanted to study massage, with the goal to eventually go into the sports massage space.

“I want to open up my own spa and have franchises all over, helping people recover from sports and other injuries,” he says. “My spa brand needs to travel worldwide all the way to boxers and superstars! I eventually want to open a destination spa, a day spa, and a recovery spa. It will be the spa of today!”


Altaff’s aunt loves that he has big dreams and ambition, and she is clearly his biggest fan.

“He is the best big brother anyone could ask for,” says Sarah. “He’s also kind and respectful, and in many ways just so innocent. He’s never been in trouble at school and is just a typical good kid!”

Altaff has fortunately been accepted to study a two-year course in massage and reflexology at the Madge Wallace Academy in Hyde Park and his tuition has been covered. But, with four kids and the family relying on a single income, things are quite tight, financially. On top of this, Altaff’s father works in the events industry, which has been badly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

For Altaff, transport is the biggest issue, as there are challenges getting him from home in Lenasia to college and back. That’s because the family is solely reliant on an old Hyundai Atos, which is forever breaking down, and they have to prioritise getting the little ones to school.

“Altaaf needs to get to college five days a week and the weekly transport cost for him is currently over R800,” says Sarah.

The family has been trying to raise the money, but with little joy.

“I would just hate it if Altaff couldn’t proceed with his studies because he couldn’t get to college,” says Sarah. “That would just demotivate him, as he really is trying his best and has been doing his bit to earn pocket money over the weekends to pay towards his travel. I’d just love to see the pressure taken off the household, allow everyone to breathe, and allow Altaaf the opportunity to study and succeed without any limitations.”

Hot Cares loves to see young people passionate about their education and future, and the fact that Altaff is doing everything he can to solve the challenge of his transport costs.

These costs are approximately R3000 a month and Hot Cares will be stepping in to cover that until the end of the year!

We hope this goes some way towards easing the burden on the family.

Similarly, if you are a prospective partner of Hot Cares, or if you are in a position to donate towards making a meaningful difference, or have a story to alert us to, or a programme you’d like to partner with Hot Cares on, please get in touch with us by emailing