Hot Cares and Silverstar Pay it Forward with Important School Study Camp

Just imagine having no arms and legs. Let that sink in and consider what your life would be without them.

Well, that’s the reality now facing poor Thys, who’s story reached Hot Cares via a family friend.

His troubles started nearly 10 years ago when a relatively simple procedure for an infected toenail unfortunately resulted in the spread of gangrene throughout his body.

Thys went on to lose his left leg, his right hand, and a finger from his left hand, and in the blink of an eye, this father of two kids, in his thirties, went from a strong, healthy young man to a sick, disabled person.


“The past eight years have not gotten any better and Thys has suffered many setbacks,” said the email. “He has endured surgeries, further amputations and suffered through blood circulation blockages in his groin area. His body struggles with the healing process and, unfortunately, he has now lost both his arms and legs. He is constantly in pain and has been in and out of the hospital getting a part of his body amputated.”

That’s quite something to take in, particularly due to the fact that not long ago, Thys had the full use of all four limbs.

“Throughout this ordeal, Thys has been nothing but strong and positive,” continued the email. “He does not complain and always tries to make light of his situation. He tries to be as independent as possible, but he struggles with feeling like a burden to his family.”

Fortunately, that family is loving and he has been cared for by his doting mother Martie, whilst he stays with his sister.

Thys recently returned home from his latest hospital visit and it was shortly after that, that The Big Joburg Drive team on HOT 102.7FM called him up to see how he was doing.

Tony, Tara and Dylan were blown away by Thys’s positive attitude, despite what he’s facing, and also had a good chat with Martie, who is shouldering the responsibility of looking after Thys full-time.

But, as she explained to the team, she’s “getting on in years”, so moving Thys around is no small task for her.

That’s where Hot Cares comes in.

We’re going to be giving Martie a bath chair for Thys and providing a small ramp to assist with the steps at his sister’s flat. According to Martie, this simple bath chair will make the world of difference to Thys, giving him some freedom in the bath, whilst the ramp will be a big help.

Hot Cares will also be providing the family with a substantial groceries voucher, to help out with a few extra goodies for the home.

It’s a small contribution, if one considers what Thys is going through, but we hope it’s something that will bring at least some light to his life.

If you are a prospective partner of HOT Cares, or if you are in a position to donate towards making a meaningful difference, or have a story to alert us to, or a programme you’d like to partner with HOT Cares on, please get in touch with us by emailing [email protected].