Giving Cecily the freedom to breathe again

At Hot Cares, we believe in the power of kindness to transform lives, and sometimes, the smallest act of generosity can make the biggest impact. That’s why, when we heard Cecily Wainwright’s story, we knew we had to step in.

Cecily has been battling COPD and lung fibrosis, conditions that have left her dependent on 24-hour oxygen support. What should have been a peaceful retirement with her husband has instead become a daily struggle. Her world has shrunk to the four walls of her home, as stepping outside without an oxygen machine is simply not an option.

Her husband, without hesitation, has dedicated himself to her care. But while his love is unwavering, the weight of responsibility is immense. A portable oxygen concentrator would be life-changing—giving Cecily the freedom to leave her home, to feel the sun on her face, to experience the simple joy of a short outing. It would also give her husband a rare moment of relief, knowing she has the support she needs to move more freely.

However, with costs exceeding R39,500, this vital equipment was out of reach. That’s where Hot Cares and One Insurance stepped in.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we are covering the full cost of Cecily’s portable oxygen concentrator! With this, she can regain some independence, and her husband can take a step back—if only for a moment—to breathe himself.

To Cecily and her family, we hope this gift brings light in a challenging time. And to our listeners and partners—thank you for making moments like this possible.

Because at Hot Cares, one act of kindness truly changes everything.