Hot Cares and Silverstar Pay it Forward with Injured Handyman

Hot Cares and Silverstar Casino continue to ‘pay it forward’ with another heart-warming story.
It’s part of the Silverstar Pays It Forward campaign, in partnership with HOT 102.7FM and HOT Cares.
Hot Cares and Silverstar are calling for nominations, for individuals, initiatives or organizations that could do with some help. You know – the ones that really deserve some assistance.
Every Wednesday on the HOT 1027 Breakfast, a life – or lives – will be changed. See further below for contact details.
Our next story concerns Mandla, a hardworking man in his 50s, who has provided for his family with the various handyman services he offers in the Robindale, Blairgowrie, Weltevreden and Fairlands areas.

HOT Cares and Silverstar Casino Pay it Forward with Injured School Sports Star

Our next story concerns 17-year-old Damian, who attends Hoërskool Noordheuwel and absolutely lives for his cricket, representing the school’s first team.
Unfortunately, during a school match in July, he picked up a back injury and has been in extreme discomfort and pain since. This has affected him both physically and mentally, as Damian has had to miss out on the sport that gives him the most joy.