Hot Cares Christmas – CLAW Given the Gift of Valuable Wheels this Festive Season

There really are some fantastic organisations out there – those that help the needy and are often full of big-hearted volunteers who give of their time and energy for no material gain.

They include some incredible animal welfare organisations and Hot Cares has been fortunate to build outstanding relationships with some of them.

“Unfortunately, funding is always an issue and on a regular basis Hot Cares receives requests to help a variety of animal organisations with vet bills, food etc. And, whilst we would love to help everyone, it is just not possible, nor sustainable,” says Carmen Rocha, Managing Director of Hot Cares.

CLAW is a great example of an animal welfare organisation doing great work.

They are a welfare organization renowned for their pioneering spirit and driving community-based primary veterinary care in South Africa. They offer all sorts of services to the community, including sterilization, vaccination, parasite and pest prevention, emergency care and pet owner education.

They fulfil such a need in the community, particularly in informal settlements, where there are thousands of animals lacking basic healthcare.

Pet owners in disadvantaged communities love their pets just as much as anywhere else, but pets suffer from poverty the same way their owners do and without the means to provide proper care, pets can be vulnerable to disease, malnutrition and abandonment.

CLAW used to have mobile units that would go out weekly to various informal areas, but with limited finances they can’t afford the staff nor the expenses anymore for this outreach programme.

This means that people now have to travel to the clinic. The problem with this is that pet owners often have to walk long distances with their sick or injured animals, as they don’t have their own transport and are not allowed animals on taxis, for example.

This is often not a safe exercise and Hot Cares really feels for these owners who don’t have the means and transport to get their animals the help they really need, particularly if the situation requires multiple visits to CLAW in Durban Deep.

So, CLAW has found itself in the situation where a solution was needed to help these pet owners and their animals get to the clinic quickly and safely.

So, the team at Hot Cares put their heads together to come up with that solution, with regards what would make a material difference to CLAW this Christmas.

And we came up with the Bajaj!

That’s right, the Bajaj three-wheeler ‘auto rickshaw’ or ‘tuk-tuk’, as you might know it.

Hot Cares will be buying this awesome little Bajaj for the ‘CLAW Patrol’, which will be used as a shuttle service for sick animals. We will also be donating R5000 to CLAW for the purchasing of cages for the overnight admission of animals, ensuring they can stay and receive the treatment needed.

Total approximate value – just over R70 000!

We hope that makes some sort of difference to CLAW this Christmas and plays some role in ensuring they can continue doing the amazing work they do.

Merry Christmas, CLAW!