HOT Cares Christmas Partners with the Dis-Chem Foundation to Change the Life of an 11-Year-Old Hard of Hearing Child

It’s always the stories about children that hit us the hardest, and the Hot Cares Christmas team is no different.

We received a note from Samantha Jordaan, who’s 11-year-old son Leonardo was diagnosed with severe sensory-neural hearing loss in his right ear and profound hearing loss in his left ear, at the age of three.

As a result, he wears hearing aids, but has been wearing the same hearing aids for the past nine years and has been experiencing difficulty with them.

Quite simply, Leonardo needs an upgrade, as well as long-term speech-language therapy.

“We are a close-knit family of four and will do anything for each other,” says Samantha. “We’ve all been learning sign language since we found out that Leonardo was deaf, and although we sign, most of our broader family doesn’t, and that impacts Leonardo’s self-esteem, as he is normally left out of conversations, particularly at family gatherings.”

Leonardo’s father takes him fishing a lot, as this is their way to escape the “noisy world” and where he’s happiest.

“If you could just meet him, you would see that he is the most loving boy,” says Samantha. “We, as humans, don’t always understand what it feels like to not be able to hear just the slightest noise. This breaks my heart every day, as I can see the hurt in my son’s eyes, when he needs to ask me every few minutes to translate something for him.”

As Samantha says, they try to include Leonardo wherever they can, but public places like shows, concerts or general playgrounds make it unbearable for him, as he cannot hear the people or other children around him.

“Both my husband and I work full time, and we try our utmost to give Leonardo and his sister the best life possible,” says Samantha. “Unfortunately, we have limited time with him, which makes it more difficult, as he needs our attention, particularly with the sign language.”

The new hearing aid and up-to-date technology, plus the intensive speech therapy, will significantly improve Leonardo’s life, but the family just cannot afford them.

“As parents, we only want the best for Leonardo, and we know that the upgraded hearing aids would make a world of difference,” says Samantha.

Fortunately, the Hot Cares Christmas team has a strong relationship with the good people at Dis-Chem Foundation and they have once offered to make a difference, in a bid to make this Christmas just that little bit special for Leonardo and his family.

The Dis-Chem Foundation will be providing the following:

  • Speech therapy valued at R20 250
  • P50 hearing aid valued at R89 750

Total value – R110 000!

The P50 hearing aid is one of the best on the market and includes a Roger System, which allows for Leonardo’s teacher’s voice to connect directly into his hearing aid with no other noise pollution. On top of that, it will last for six years.

If you would like to help Leonardo, get in touch with Hot Cares at