HOT Cares Gets Behind the Animal Protection Network with Vital Funding

Hot Cares just loves coming across good-hearted people putting the needs of others ahead of their own, and that’s certainly the case with the Animal Protection Network.

They dedicate their time to assisting with the care, rescue, sterilisation, vaccination, and rehoming of neglected, abandoned and stray animals in and around Alberton in the south of Johannesburg.

They also travel far and wide to rescue animals or provide assistance where needed, and they recently arranged for more than 30 animals to be sterilised, making a huge difference in their community.


The people behind the Animal Protection Network dedicate their time to the welfare of these animals, but they are also involved in running feeding schemes in and around Alberton, where the intention is to assist underprivileged families by providing them with monthly contributions of pet food.

But, as with other non-profit organisations, the Animal Protection Network relies on donations to keep going, so it goes out of its way to organise fundraising events to raise money, like running their Saturday boerewors rolls and cupcakes stand at their local vet.

In addition to that, the committee sells second-hand furniture and emigration sale items, with the commission received going back into running the Animal Protection Network, as well as paying the necessary vet bills.

The Animal Protection Network works closely with a host of clinics and organisations in the area, including Hennie Alberts Veterinary Clinic, Paws in Motion, Kibler Park Vet, and the Alberton and New South veterinary clinics. Most of these vets provide them with reduced rates for sterilisations, vaccinations, and medical treatment for sick and injured pets, and whilst this assistance makes a huge difference, it’s sadly not enough.

Quite simply, the Animal Protection Network needs help to sustain itself.

It’s in desperate need of medical supplies, food, blankets, kennels, and cleaning materials, and that’s where HOT Cares comes in.

We’ll be purchasing animal food and other much-needed items for the animals to the value of R5 000!
But, that’s not all.

Hot Cares just loves sustainable projects, and with that in mind, we’ll be giving the Animal Protection Network a further R15 000 for existing projects that’ll help the organisation continue to generate funds.

We also encourage all HOT 102.7FM listeners to consider donating to the Animal Protection Network.

Similarly, if you are a prospective partner of HOT Cares, or if you are in a position to donate towards making a meaningful difference, or have a story to alert us to, or a programme you’d like to partner with HOT Cares on, please get in touch with us by emailing [email protected].