HOT Cares Provides Some Joy for Orphan on his Birthday

It’s been a particularly rough couple of years for nine-year-old Dolfie.

He’s a special needs boy who was raised by his father and grandmother but has experienced extreme trauma in the past two years, largely due to the tragic death of his dad and circumstances out of his control.

His father was a hero, saving the life of a young girl who had fallen down an old mine dam wall, but ultimately succumbing to his injuries in the process.

That left Dolfie in the care of his grandmother, Evelyn, who is a widowed pensioner who lost her husband just a couple of years ago and who survives on a very small pension that just covers her medical aid, which is vital to her survival, as she suffers from diabetes.

Evelyn doesn’t have a lot but is clearly doing a phenomenal job of caring for Dolfie, while still mourning the loss of her beloved son, and this was something that came through when the HOT 1027 Breakfast team called her up on air.

It was there that Evelyn told them all about Dolfie, who has clearly been through a lot, whilst at the same time still thriving at school, where he recently received trophies for his maths results and singing and participation in the school’s arts festival.

“He’s been through so much,” said Evelyn, who just wants to provide some joy to the life of her grandson, with his 10th birthday approaching.

Both Dolfie and Evelyn are both still dealing with their loss, but it’s obvious that they find comfort in each other. They’ve also received incredible support from Dolfie’s school, which has helped out with uniforms and school supplies.

Evelyn desperately wants to make Dolfie’s upcoming birthday special and has already arranged for a friend of the family to bake a dinosaur cake for him to enjoy  on his actual birthday.

But, Hot Cares wants to help and play a part. So, we’ll be purchasing Dolfie a brand-new bicycle for his birthday, along with a helmet, and pads! We’ll also be taking care of the party packs for his party, so that he can celebrate with his classmates!

Hot Cares will also be taking care of Dolfie and a few guests on his actual birthday by covering the costs of a party and lunch at a local family restaurant for them.

But, that’s not all. We see the effort that Evelyn is making to support the two of them and Hot Cares wants to ease that burden slightly. So, we’re going to be providing Evelyn and Dolfie with R5000 a month for the next six months to take care of some groceries, basics etc.

“I don’t know how to thank you,” said Evelyn. “This makes such a difference.”

If you are a prospective partner of HOT Cares, or if you are in a position to donate towards making a meaningful difference, or have a story to alert us to, or a programme you’d like to partner with HOT Cares on, please get in touch with us by emailing [email protected].