HOT Cares Steps in to Help Boksburg Truck Explosion Victims

Sadly, tragedy is all around us and heart-breaking stories reach us all the time here at Hot Cares.

Such as the one sent to us by Diane Botha.

She reminded us of the horrific truck explosion in Boksburg on Christmas Eve last year. Nearly 50 people were killed and countless injured, including Elvis, who worked for Diane through a labour broking company.

He and his wife Bernadine were on their way home and close to the truck when it exploded, with Bernadine caught in the fire and Elvis rushing in to save his wife.

“Elvis ended up with third degree burns on two thirds of his body and he spent two months in intensive care, near death,” said Diane. “By the grace of God, he and Bernadine are now home, but they are unemployed at present, as the placement company has a ‘no work no pay policy’.”

Fortunately, the community has rallied around Elvis and Bernadine, with food parcels and hampers, but their needs are extensive.

“I called them yesterday to see how it went with their wound dressings,” said Diane. “They are both still in a great deal of pain, but every week getting stronger. Bernadine’s arms and hands have started to heal, but she still has bandages on both her legs. Similarly, Elvis still has bandages on his legs, arms and back. The calf muscle on his left leg was badly damaged, so, apart from the pain of the burns, he also has to endure physio on the leg, as he is not able to straighten it.”

All of this means that Elvis and Bernadine need help – specifically, to pay their rent, as they have fallen behind, as well as transport for their children to get to school, and transport money for them to get to the hospital and clinic for dressings and physio.

Hot Cares can only imagine what this family is going through and we want to help.

Fortunately, we are able to, so Hot Cares will be stumping up for Elvis and Bernadine’s rent and travel to and from hospital for the next two months, after which Elvis has been assured of permanent employment, which is great news.

Hot Cares will also provide groceries for the family to ensure that Elvis and Bernadine have proper nutrition while their bodies heal.

Total assistance value – R15 000!

Get well, Elvis and Bernadine!

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