HOT Cares Intervenes with Vital Dental Work for Lupus Sufferer

It’s been a long and painful road for Misha Cooper.

In 2016 she was diagnosed with lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease that threatened her survival.

It also resulted in Misha waking up every day with joint pain, fatigue, and unexplained rashes. Simple tasks became too much and her energy evaporated, with her days filled with doctors’ appointments, medication, and constant worry for her and her husband, Donovan.

“But, throughout her illness her remarkable resilience never wavered,” said Donovan. “As she fought for her life, she simultaneously reached out a helping hand to anyone in need, proving that even with her own immense struggle, she held an unwavering commitment to spreading love and kindness.”


Misha is now slowly recovering from lupus and whilst there is no cure for this disease, her doctors are happy with the progress she’s made.

Unfortunately, there are some lingering effects, such as severe gum and jaw deterioration, which has resulted in Misha losing nearly all her teeth.

“This has diminished her self-confidence, affected her mental health, and hindered her self-esteem and her ability to eat and enjoy life to the fullest,” said Donovan. “The absence of a complete set of teeth is also a constant reminder of her illness, and her greatest desire is to regain the confidence to smile once again.”

Hot Cares understands now why a new set of teeth would be an incredible gift for Misha, restoring not only her eating ability, but also her self-esteem, health, and quality of life, whilst at the same time reducing her pain and discomfort.

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So, we got The Big Joburg Drive team of Tony, Tara and Dylan on HOT 102.7FM to give Misha and Donovan a call to break them the good news.

That is that Hot Cares will be covering the cost of the dental work Misha needs, including the making of acrylic dentures with chrome cobalt framework, with the total value of all work to be done, R12 960!

We hope this will reduce Misha’s pain, discomfort, and inability to eat properly, as well as give her back her beautiful smile and restore some self-esteem.

Similarly, if you are a prospective partner of Hot Cares, or if you are in a position to donate towards making a meaningful difference, or have a story to alert us to, or a programme you’d like to partner with Hot Cares on, please get in touch with us by emailing [email protected].